Getting closer to the J/24 World Championship

There are only three weeks left to the beginning of the 2011 J/24 World Championship that will take place from November 11th to 19th.

Tomorrow (Thursday 27th) is the last day to complete the entry form and pay the registration for this championship. We already have 59 registered boats from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Italy, Great Britain, Peru, Uruguay and the United States. You can see them in

This competition will show the highest level of sailing in this class and we will receive the best sailors of the world, including Tim Healy (USA 5235), the last J/24 World champion and Mauricio Santa Cruz (BRA 37), who won this Championship three times (2006, 2007 and 2009).

As a final point, we would like to remind you that on November 5th and 6th there will be a Pre World Championship regatta, which will be very useful as training for the real competition. It’s free and open for everyone. If you want to participate, you just have to register at the Sailing Office of the Yacht Club Argentino.

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