

The “classic” Easter regatta for Italian J/24 teams has always been the PasquaVela, hosted by Yacht Club Santo Stefano as part of the second stage of the Italian National J/24 series. The traditional rewards are, of course, an Easter tradition – delicious chocolate eggs for all winning crews! Twenty-three J/24 […]

MENDIETA Wins J/24 Campeonato San Isidro

Over the weekends of April 26-27 and May 3-4, the Club Nautico San Isidro held their annual J/24 Campeonato San Isidro for a very strong showing of the Argentinean J/24 fleet. There was some “new blood” in the class with good teams participating from CUBA, YCA and CNO yacht clubs […]

2014 MONJON Victorian State J24 Championships

After a close and hard fought series of 8 races on Port Phillip last weekend, the MONJON 2014 Victorian State titles was won Dave Suda sailing Pacemaker. Sailing with Dave are Herschel, Luke, Sam and Rachel, pretty much the same team that has been doing it for the last 10+ […]

Schoenfedlt Wins J/24 Frühjahrs-Verbandsregatta

The sailing season for the J/24 Class in Germany officially opened with their Frühjahrs-Verbandsregatta, sailed at Hamburger Segel-club on the beautiful Alster Lake. From March 29-30, a great turn-out of 19 J/24s enjoyed a somewhat benign weekend for weather. In moderate winds of 4-9 knots and most glorious, warm spring […]

Mike Ingham Victorious as J/24 North American Champion

Mike Ingham of the USA continued his masterful performance at the J/24 North American Championship in Mexico and secured the title for his Digger team. Sailing with Tim Healy, Enrique Pirez-Cirera, Marianne Schoke and Max Holzer, Ingham totaled just 14 points in nine races. After dropping an eight as his […]

Argentina top country at 2014 South American Games

Variable wind conditions in the coastal valley of Santiago, Chile led to tough racing at the 2014 South American Games (March 12-17) with Argentina taking seven medals, Brazil five and Chile four across six events. Throughout the week, wind and visibility challenged the sailors. Some days the wind was too […]

ALPHARD Winning Italian J/24 Winter Series

In Taranto, the next stage of the Winter Series Championship was very much “spring-like” for the 15 teams that were participating in the weekend’s hard fought races. “Even if the wind was light early in the day, at about 12 o’clock a light south wind would start building offshore allowing […]

J/24 Campeonato Del Centro Republica Report

A near-record turn-out of 26 J/24s assembled on Lago San Roque for the annual “Central Republic Championship.” Club Nauticos Cordoba played host for the event and ensured all teams from every fleet in Argentina, including one team from New Jersey (USA), enjoyed themselves despite the less than stellar weather conditions. […]

OJOTA Leading Sailor’s Cup

The J/24 Class in Argentina has started the Sailor’s Cup Regatta on Lago San Roque. It’s a spectacular time of year to be sailing in the Andes Mountains and the setting could not be more idyllic than the one for Club Nautico Cordoba along the lake. For this year’s regatta […]

Porter Wins Triple Cup Scappino

Over this past weekend, the large fleet of J/24s sailing on Valle de Bravo enjoyed a nice weekend of sailing in the Triple Scappino Cup. For many in the 18 boat fleet, it served as a warm-up and training program for their crews as the focus on the J/24 North […]

Monaco Primo Cup

Once again the Primo Cup – Trophée Credit Suisse confirmed its reputation as a top class event, with variable conditions throughout the three days proving difficult for some, while others appeared to make light of the elements to produce convincing victories. A great start to the season at this first […]

Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series

Billed as Barbados’ Ultimate Sailing Challenge, the new format Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series was deemed a huge success; it incorporated a series of coastal races as well as the iconic Mount Gay Round Barbados Race, and a final 300-mile sprint to Antigua to tie-up with the Superyacht Cup. […]