Howth Is Ready for BMW J/24 Europeans

With only weeks to go before the BMW J/24 European Championship at Howth Yacht Club near Dublin, Ireland, in mid-September, the event planning is shaping up very nicely, with a steady increase in entries (now from five countries) and an anticipated fleet in excess of 30 boats.

The host club is ramping up for the event with various teams getting ready for the diverse activities required for such a major regatta.

The Measurement Team will shortly have its checklist prepared for distribution to competitors so they are fully aware of what’s involved and don’t have any surprises when they arrive in Howth.

The Social Team has developed a programme of activities to keep competitors entertained during the event that will include a traditional ceili night. In addition to dining in the Club, there will be opportunities to sample the fine fare from some of the many top-class restaurants and pubs in the town. In this regard, local businesses are currently preparing special offers for J/24 Europeans sailors, details of which will be available at registration.

Competitors in the BMW J/24 Europeans at Howth can look forward to top class courses and race management with the news that the highly experienced ISAF International Race Officer David Lovegrove has been confirmed as the event’s PRO.

One of Ireland’s top race officers for over a decade, his race management experience stretches back over twice that time, with multiple national championships for numerous classes to his credit. Last year, he was PRO at the Etchells Worlds on the same Howth waters and his list of major events includes the Mirror Worlds, Etchells and 1720 Europeans and Cork Week.

The International Jury for the BMW J/24 European Championships will be chaired by Bob Milner of Britain and will comprise Margriet Pannevis (The Netherlands) and Benno Loske (Germany), with two Irish jurors Gordon Davis and Scorie Walls.

Bob Milner is one of the most experienced race judges in world sailing and has officiated at countless championships as an IJ, NJ and Protest Committee member. Margriet Pannevis has been a familiar face at international J/24 events since 2001 as a jury member and/or chairman at class Europeans and Worlds. Benno Loske has been involved in race management for over 20 years and became as ISAF International Judge in 2002.

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