Over this past weekend, the large fleet of J/24s sailing on Valle de Bravo enjoyed a nice weekend of sailing in the Triple Scappino Cup. For many in the 18 boat fleet, it served as a warm-up and training program for their crews as the focus on the J/24 North Americans being held in the middle of March in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Club Náutico Valle de Bravo hosted and organized the Triple Cup Scappino. They were blessed with decent weather conditions on the lake with winds between 6-7 knots, gusting 10-14 knots for most of the weekend. Taking the overall win was TEAM S, with skipper Kenneth Porter and crew of Kenneth Porter Jr., Gerrit Gentry, Luis Vázquez Mota and Luis Vázquez Mota Jr. Giving them strong competition both days was the second place team on TA’LENTO, helmed by Luis Alvarez and sailing with his mostly family crew of Sharon Alvarez, Patricio Alvarez, Walter Porter and Andrew Alvarado. Taking the last spot on the podium was TRINQUETTE sailed by Javier Velásquez, Mirsha Herrera, Emigdio Jimenez, Genaro Ozuna and Infanzón Ramirez. For more Mexican J/24 sailing information, visit http://www.j24mex.com/.