As one of their last events in the fall sailing season, the Irish J/24 fleet convened off Limerick, Ireland to compete for the Estuary’s most historic prize—the “Rinevella Plate.” Adrian O’Connell, Racing Captain at the host Royal Western Yacht Club, says “that piece and its relevance to sailors in Ireland is steeped in enormous amounts of history.” First won in 1832 by the Knight of Glin, the coveted Rinevella Plate has become a much sought-after prize amongst the sailing community on the West Coast of Ireland, and its pride of place remains at the County Limerick Castle. Like many years before, the Royal Western Yacht Club of Ireland hosted the October series to determine the winner of the priceless Plate cast in Limerick silver. More importantly, the competition lived up to its history and its roots. The “Django Hyundai Ireland” J/24 team sailed their yacht for the Rinevella Plate and took the overall title this year after winning the IRC Class 1 over the series of six races. Crewed by Martin MacNamara, Thomas Whelan, Andrew Carey, Charlie Glynn and Diarmuid Whelan, the 2013 winners said they were honored to take the title amongst stiff competition. Limerick boats from Foynes YC, together with Disaray sailing out of Tralee Bay Sailing Club, and Kilrush-based yachts made up the tough competition to decide the winners of this year’s historic plate regatta.