2011 World Championship Charter Information

Dear J/24 sailor,

Hereby you may find a link to a presentation of our Argentina 2011 J/24 World Championship. http://issuu.com/ycasba/docs/j24wc?mode=embed&layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml&showFlipBtn=true

We feel it will be a wonderful event with the highest level ever available.

If you are willing to compete and need boat rental information you will be pleased to receive the following information.

Currently we are finishing our selective trials and owners are commencing to offer boats for rent.

We have set up different information sources like  www.j24arg.com.ar where you can see the NOR just clicking on the World’s poster image. Also you may use the link to  www.j24words2011.org.ar

In  this last site you can fill your Pre entry data into the relevant entry form. It is not too early to do so ! You will avoid to get into late entry costs !

Recently we created a forum site dedicated mainly to promote boat rental which I would like to recommend you to enter and register:  http://j24arg.mforos.com/1984381/10383355-listado-de-barcos-boats-for-rent-list/

Here you will find a list of boats available for rent and their owners address. Shortly we will add more information for  each unit as like as photos, rental price, conditions, etc. By now if you are interested, you may get directly in communication with any of the owners and ask for extra info you may need.

Please keep  us posted on this subject to  j24arg@hotmail.com just for your additional support. You will be negotiating directly with the owners but with our help.

We recommend to follow instructions included in the forum in order to register.

Best regards,
Siegfried Spitzky
President – ARG-JCA

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